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关于西交利物浦大学Muhammad Alam博士来校讲学的通知

2017年11月16日 14:26  点击:[]


应学校邀请,西交利物浦大学Muhammad Alam博士将做客我校第120期“鄱湖学术讲坛”。具体情况如下:

报告题目:Cooperative Sensing for road Safety and enhanced mobility Implementation and Field trial results




Dr. Muhammad Alam holds a PhD degree in computer science from University of Aveiro, Portugal and has a MS degree in Computer Science from International Islamic university Islamabad, Pakistan. In 2009, he joined the Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro (Portugal) as researcher and completed his Ph.D from University of Aveiro with a specialization in Inter Layer and Cooperative Design Strategies for Green Mobile Networks. He has participated in several European Union FP7 projects such as Hurricane, C2POWER, ICSI, PEACE and Portuguese government funded projects such SmartVision. He has been working as senior researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações and participating in European Union and Portuguese government funded projects and currently working as Assistant professor in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou China.

His research interests include IoT, Real-time wireless communication, 5G, Vehicular networks, Context-aware systems and Radio resource management in next generation wireless networks. He is the editor of Book Intelligent Transportation Systems, Dependable Vehicular Communications for Improved Road Safety. He is the author of several journal and conference publications as well as book chapters. He is also the TPC member and reviewer for a number of reputed conferences, journals, and magazines. He is IEEE and IEEE IES senior member. He served as general co-chair of future 5V conference and also served as session chairs in a number of reputed conferences such as IEEE IECON 2016, IEEE WFCS 2016, IEEE ITSC 2015. He also provided his services as guest editor to several journals.

主办单位:科研处 研究生处







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